The Leadership Ecosystem
is the mental model for managing the circumstances that
enable teams to perform

The Leadership Ecosystem is a practically oriented mental model

Neither your Objectives nor the team's Actions are interesting when seen in isolation.

The Leadership Ecosystem cares about the balance between Objectives and Actions, helping you to focus your energy on the circumstances that enable the team to perform in the direction of your objectives.

As a Mental Model, it captures the fundamental levers that enable performance toward objectives.

It is Practically Oriented and applicable across any type of organization that depends on some sort of leadership, no matter size, level, functional area, or organizational structure.

Managing the dynamics of the Ecosystem on a continuous basis is key to unlock the balance between Objectives and Actions. That where you find the sweetspot that delivers results.

Practically applicable

Plan & start an initiative

Shape the circumstances that enable the team to perform

Stimulate progress

Re-energizing progress begins by understanding what causes the slowdown

Get back on track

Things run off-track for a reason - address the right reasons to re-install progress

Evaluate and learn

Evaluate against the Ecosystem to start from a higher level next time

It remains constant as you grow

Aspiring & Young

From an expert in your field to leadership:
Learn the Fundamentals, and grow from there.


Strengthen the Fundamentals before adding more sophisticated layers.

Leader's Leader

Help your managers develop themselves in their development of their teams' performance.

HR Professionals & Consultants

Leave a solid mental model, applicable and value adding even after you role is finished.

Buy the book

Leadership: Lesson One provides indepth walk-through of the Leadership Ecosystem with guidance and questions helping to apply it and to benefit from it in everyday leadership situations.


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