What Footprint do you leave as a Leader?
You always leave a footprint Wherever you walk, you will always leave a footprint. Some sort of mark that indicates...
Finding time to drive development and improvement
...and why time is available You have a feeling of spending far too much time running the daily business...
Why daily business is a bad comfort zone
...and how leaders become leaders in the first place For majority of leaders, the path from being team member...
Stop spending +90% of your time on daily business
I often meet managers and leaders claiming that they spend far too much time running the daily business and...
Leaders don’t make results. They ENABLE their teams
Let's begin with eliminating a widespread misunderstanding: Great leaders make great results... The reality is: Leaders don’t make results....
Does your Leadership Footprint vanish with the next wave?
The most important quarter in the history Most people strive hard to deliver every day. Strive hard to deliver...
Going behind successes and failures of projects
Going behind successes and failures of projects Did you ever finish a project with arms high, celebration, and nice...
The DNA of leading Daily Business
You may wonder why it's worth looking into the DNA of leading the Daily Business, when my main focus...
Basic principles
Basic Principles of Leadership A set of fundamental principles and their implications on leadership. While this may look like...
The purpose of leadership in 2 sentences
Why being a leader vs. why we need Leadership? I often hear the same story from leaders: When promoted...